My new path...
Jim Hurley
2008-01-31 14:55:09 UTC
A number of people have contacted me to ask why
my sun.com email address has been bouncing for
them of late, so I thought it would be best to openly
address it in case others had questions. Sorry for the
wide broadcast.

I have recently taken an opportunity at a Boston -area
high tech startup company - it was the right time for me,
and an exciting opportunity. As for my Jini/JavaSpaces/River
project and community involvement going forward, I still
plan to be involved, but not at the level I have been. Like
many of you, I'm sure, I'll be looking to make time on nights
and weekends to participate and contribute.

At this personal transition point, I want to thank Sun (and
especially all of the members of our Jini team over time)
and everyone in the Community for the discussions, successes,
debates, culture, and relationships we've built over the years.
It's been an interesting and exciting ride and something I'm glad
and proud to be a part of. I look forward to our Community
continuing to build and evolve, and the success of Apache River
and the entire Jini and JavaSpaces Community.

best -Jim

ps. If you're on LinkedIn, it would be great to connect up:
